Foster Kitty Zoe has been here a LONG time. She’s playful and happy and has even crate trained herself! She’s probably not much older than 1 year old. Our humans had her spayed and vaccinatedContinue reading
Category: rescue
Foster Kitten Lily
This is Foster Kitten Lily. She showed up here a couple of weeks ago. She took up residence in our shed, and ate meals with the Garden Kitties. Well, with Sparkle. Huck wouldn’t go inContinue reading
Our Foster Kitten Found a Forever Home
You’re probably wondering, “What foster kitten? You didn’t tell us about a foster kitten!” Well, some of you who aren’t friends with Robin on Facebook or with Meggy on Twitter don’t know about him. RobinContinue reading
Prison Dogs Need Homes
Have I talked about my human’s devotion to dogs who live in prison? I don’t really get it, but she really does love those dogs. She also loves the women who are inmates in theContinue reading
Adopt K.C. and Bring a LOT of Love Into Your Life!
Seguin Animal Hospital is in the business of caring for animals, but they usually have someone to send an animal home with. In the case of K.C., a soulful gray and white kitty, however, theseContinue reading
A Visit to Petie’s
We sent Robin to check on Petie during her autumn break from classes. He’s been living there with Grandpa John and Hanne for almost two years, and she reports he’s doing exceptionally well. In caseContinue reading
Take a Chance
Robin is about halfway through the Tellington TTouch practitioner training. She Ttouches us, does case studies with other dogs and cats, and makes stuff to help her in her practice. One thing she made isContinue reading
#ShopForCinnamon: First Items Posted!
The first items in our auction for Cinnamon’s travel and vet care expenses are up on Instagram! This week we have a couple of scarves and a lovely, handmade nightgown from Haiti Projects, a LaurelContinue reading
Please, help Cinnamon get to his new home
My human’s friends are working to help out a kitty in need. The little guy has incredible spirit, so much that his nickname is “Dom” for indomitable. He also has a family that wants toContinue reading
Guadalupe Animals Need Help Now
Rescue animals in our city are in a crisis. Etosha, one of the oldest rescues in South Central Texas, has lost its food supply. For 12 years Etosha relied on donations from Wal-Mart for 95Continue reading