Have I told you that we are letting Robin spend time with her dog friends almost every day this summer? She has a really nice friendship with Jack, the senior dog in the family atContinue reading
Tag: dog
Just One Day
Animal shelters around the U.S., even the open-access shelters that can’t refuse to take an animal, are steadily increasing their efforts to adopt out all the healthy dogs and cats. This is a really goodContinue reading
Rosie Had Her Puppies!
Rosie’s puppies are two days old in this picture. She had them on Monday morning. Because no one knew exactly when she got pregnant, there was some concern about her, so Carol took her toContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Rosie
Robin and her students met Rosie this afternoon at the rescue. She has the furrowed brow of a shar pei and the body of some kind of terrier, maybe. Just this morning, Rosie was onContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Guest Cuddle: Gibson and the Fishie
GibsonTheKitty doesn’t care about the snow outside because he’s cuddling with his FISHIE! I know how much fun his fishie must be because I have one too! We got the fishie from Secret Santa *wink,Continue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Guest Cuddle: Sassy and Tilly
Sassy got out of the shelter and went to live with Jean, one of Robin’s colleagues, for Christmas. She joined a family of rescued Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Jean said, “As you can see, sheContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Kenna, Rapunzel and Little Mama
Robin’s students and the Asylum Rescue dogs have fallen in love with each other. Kenna’s family even adopted Katie, a long-haired dachshund! Here, Kenna has Little Mama on her lap and Rapunzel at her side. LittleContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Rufus, Lizzie and Crys
On the surface this isn’t a photo about cuddles, although you can see a lovely cuddle in the background. However, the scene in the foreground is as heartwarming as the best of cuddles to myContinue reading