Robin and I have had a few inquiries about the cat book exchange, so I decided I want to host it one more time. If you would like to give and receive a book about cats next month, now’s your chance to join in. I asked Robin to take care of the communication this year, because I rest a lot now.
To join in our Christmas Cat Book Exchange, send your contact information, paper or digital book preference, and any info you want to share about the kind of cat books you enjoy to cheshirekitten AT sbcglobal DOT net by November 25 (Saturday after U.S. Thanksgiving holiday). Robin and I will match givers with recipients and send out the information by December 1. We ask that participants send a new, slightly used, or e- book to the recipient by December 23. (We hope everyone will receive the book by January 1).
As for me, I’m taking things day to day. Today is a really good day. I had Tiki Cat, some freeze dried Turkey treats, and Purina kibble (don’t judge me, please, I love Purina kibble) for breakfast. My pain medicine keeps me pretty chipper most of the time. Robin got an antibiotic from our dear veterinarian to help avoid infection where my tumor has an ulceration. That is kind of gross. You don’t want to see it. I’m doing better now than I was a week ago, and so is Robin. My front legs are getting wobbly and weak, but with my medicine, life is pretty good. I get to cuddle with Robin now more than ever.
And don’t tell anyone, but I let Reggie sleep on our bed.
We were so very sorry to hear about Chester. Purrs of sympathy and paws of comfort from all of us here at Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs
We love you, Cheshire. We’re very sad you have to deal with all this. Enjoy the cuddle time with your Robin.
We are in on the book exchange!
Ee love you Cheshire mate so hang in there. Glad you are doing OK for now.
All our love.
Thanks for doing the holiday book exchange again a Cheshire! Keep eating and resting. We love you!
Sweet boy, I think of you often and it breaks my heart at the unfairness of this monsterous disease. You have had to overcome so much in your short life as it is, it is maddening to me that you be given any more. I have lost two fur babies to this devil and many human friends and family- no one should ever have to fight it. It sounds like you are a trooper, not allowing it to keep you from spending time and love with your beloved Robin. I know she is cherishing this time as well, memories will stay with you both during your time apart until you are reunited. I treasure the memories of all seven of my fur babies at the Bridge, at times longing to be with them. It is a great comfort to know we will be, and then it will be forever.
Please know you are loved by many and it is nice to hear how you are doing. I haven’t found a new kitty to adopt me yet, but know the right one will come along soon. I can only hope they are as sweet, smart and loving as you. I send you much love and healing purrs dear Chessie, May each day be filled with warm comforts and endless love.
I’m so happy you’re doing the CHristmas Cat Book Exchange again this year! I’d love to be involved!
Happy to hear you’re eating (no judgement from me about loving Purina kibble!) and enjoying life. We want you to be comfy & happy Cheshie!
Luv yoo all!
Love you pal! Glad you’re getting so much cuddle time with Robin. Sorry you have to go through all this though. Sending lots of purrs and purrayers. *hugs*