I realized yesterday that I left everybody hanging about Lily! We were dealing with all kinds of other stuff, and the good news slipped my mind. I apologize! Lily moved to AUSTIN, Texas, with herContinue reading
Tag: kitten
Foster Kitten Lily
This is Foster Kitten Lily. She showed up here a couple of weeks ago. She took up residence in our shed, and ate meals with the Garden Kitties. Well, with Sparkle. Huck wouldn’t go inContinue reading
Our Foster Kitten Found a Forever Home
You’re probably wondering, “What foster kitten? You didn’t tell us about a foster kitten!” Well, some of you who aren’t friends with Robin on Facebook or with Meggy on Twitter don’t know about him. RobinContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Guest Cuddle: Boxing Day!
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day. If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
Help Us Help New Zealand Kitties, Pt. 2
Thank you to @Isagold for the winning bid on “Gray Cat. Found.” We applaud her for her desire to help the SPCA care for animals affected by the earthquake last month in New Zealand! *HugeContinue reading
Update on Tiger
Tiger is recuperating. His tail is in the itchy phase of healing, his human said. She also said he is eating a lot. “More than his share,” she actually said, MOL. He’s playing with hisContinue reading