Robin is about halfway through the Tellington TTouch practitioner training. She Ttouches us, does case studies with other dogs and cats, and makes stuff to help her in her practice. One thing she made isContinue reading
Category: dogs
Therapy animal training
Robin has been studying Animal Assisted Therapy and Animal Assisted Activities (AAT/AAA) this summer. She actually does AAA already in her Leadership course. Her students learn positive reinforcement training to help dogs in rescue prepareContinue reading
TTouch Today
Robin is meeting a new client for TTouch this afternoon. She’s halfway into her practitioner training and consults for her case studies. She turned in five case studies at the training in Colorado and willContinue reading
Independence Day goes to the dogs.
During our town’s big Independence Day parade on July 4, Robin will be representing her dog friends. She is part of Friends of Paws in Prison, a nonprofit corporation registered in Texas that has appliedContinue reading
Here’s what really happened…
Robin TOLD us she was going to Tellington TTouch training for a week in Colorado. We thought she would be working hard learning with dogs, so she can share with us kitties when she getsContinue reading
Robin’s Always Up To Something
We sent our human off to Pflugerville to learn about Tellington TTouch with dogs. She told us that if we want her to share TTouch with us, she had to spend a week at aContinue reading
Thank you, Jack
Have I told you that we are letting Robin spend time with her dog friends almost every day this summer? She has a really nice friendship with Jack, the senior dog in the family atContinue reading