After shouting really loudly a few times, Cheddar ran over to this bowl and climbed in. Robin asked him, a few times, what he was up to. Then she asked ME to tell her. I’mContinue reading
Category: Cheese Kittens
Training Tuesday: Go to the vet for fun!
Today Brie and Bleu and I went to the vet, just for fun. Since it was the first time we went without the aim of treatment or vaccinations, the cats were not sure this couldContinue reading
Training Tuesday: We are Published!
Brie, Cheddar, and I are published! We have a piece in the brand new IAABC Journal. Turn to page 5 and look for “Brie Breathes Easy: Training a Cat to Enjoy an Inhaler.” This isContinue reading
Raining Tuesday
Someone stole the T in training this week! We hope you enjoy this video of Cheddar watching the noisy men fix a broken water line at night during a thunderstorm. At :33 the water spurtsContinue reading
Training Tuesday: Sometimes Training Looks Like Doing Nothing
Cheddar thinks he hasn’t been learning anything lately. He loves training sessions. He enjoys learning new behaviors, like shake, press a button with his paw, sit on a mat, jump over a hurdle, ride onContinue reading
Training Tuesday: Incorporate Training Into Everyday Activities
Brie loves to sleep alongside my leg or next to me on the couch. He also likes to walk, or rather, run, by my side. I say, “C’mon, Brie!” He meows enthusiastically and runs along.Continue reading
Training Tuesday: Brie Meets The Whistle
One of my current training priorities is to teach all of the cats to walk (or run!) to get in the carrier in response to a cue that is not my voice. Nutmeg was introducedContinue reading
The Cheeses arrived two years ago today.
Thank you, Cute Transport!
Sunday Training and Naps
Cheddar and Bleu and Robin worked on their big project today. Robin’s curriculum for these two Cheeses right now aims at learning to dial an emergency number on a phone. They started with “shake,” addedContinue reading
We live for orange and black
Happy Halloween from all of us!