Cheddar says he didn’t expect so many adventures on the road to becoming a therapy cat. Monday he visited a fire station and had his picture taken in a fire truck. Our town, Seguin, Texas,Continue reading
Category: Cheese Kittens
On the Road…. the Driveway, Really
Cheddar continues his training to volunteer as a therapy cat. He’s practicing remaining calm when Robin drops things and getting used to being in the car. The part about objects dropping and loud noises seemsContinue reading
Bleu Skates
Bleu loves to ride.
More Sewing
Mom wanted me to help her sew this morning, but I was BUSY and had to train Bleu. Besides, I helped her make the big pad with the horses on it and the Cheeses REALLYContinue reading
Mousa Lisa from the art museum
Robin brought us a toy she found in the gift shop at the Blanton Museum. Moody Pet makes six Funhouse Mouse characters. We got Mousa Lisa. Robin caught the Cheeses’ initial introduction to Mousa LisaContinue reading
Skateboard Lessons
The Cheeses are making the most of Kitten School. Bleu has started learning to skateboard. I wish I had started training when I was a youngster. Anyway, U.H. made a video of one of theContinue reading
Bleu finds his sport
Bleu gave up the roomba lessons and has taken up skateboard. He likes skateboarding. U.H. likes to see Bleu on the board much more than she enjoyed knowing he was sitting on Bruce, her roomba.Continue reading
The Cheeses are running for office!
Our little Cheeses want so much to help their fellows that they filed candidacy in the Dog Ambassador election in our town!!! Here’s their campaign statement: We are the Cheeses: Brie, Cheddar, Bleu and Colby. WeContinue reading
Cheddar has a big heart!
The ginger Cheeses have beautiful classic tabby coloring, and Cheddar’s coat is particularly extraordinary. Can you see the heart?
How many kitties does it take to catch a bug?
Cuddle family members who receive our posts by email can click on the title of the post to see the video of Reggie and the Cheeses. Oops. I let the cat out of the bagContinue reading