Brie loves to sleep alongside my leg or next to me on the couch. He also likes to walk, or rather, run, by my side.
I say, “C’mon, Brie!” He meows enthusiastically and runs along. We could be doing an agility trial, but we’re in our kitchen, dining room, and living room. He’s a bit chunky, so it’s good for him to get active.
If there’s a blank space here, try this link to see cute videos of Brie.
I’m thinking about checking with Brie’s vet to get the go ahead to add some more elements of agility training to get him to expend a few more calories.
If there’s a blank space here, try this link to see cute videos of Brie.
Brie’s training to walk alongside me – he added the jump himself – took place while we were doing our normal, day-to-day activities. He really loves food, and comes along with me whenever I am carrying a cat food dish. The cats eat at various places in the house, so I am often carrying cat food bowls from place to place. All I had to do was add “C’mon, Brie” as a cue to come along. In the video, I use the target to tell him that he should jump up on the cat tree to get his food bowl. Sometimes, we run somewhere else, so I need to communicate the goal clearly.