Nutmeggy says she’s TIRED of the Cheeses. If you are receiving our posts by email, you can click on the title of the post to get to the video! Thanks for being our friend.
Category: Play
A Cuddle a Day: Guest Cuddle: Gibson and the Fishie
GibsonTheKitty doesn’t care about the snow outside because he’s cuddling with his FISHIE! I know how much fun his fishie must be because I have one too! We got the fishie from Secret Santa *wink,Continue reading
BlogPaws Treats #2
The BlogPaws box gets a lot of attention. Reggie likes to sit on it. We got a lot of toys from BlogPaws, too. First, Robin got some toys in her conference bag of goodies. Then,Continue reading
BaboonPawty is TODAY
CELEBRATE BABOONS! Join us for #BaboonPawty on June 2 from 12 – 6 EDT. We’re going to the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania. There will be music and noms and lots of learning about baboonsContinue reading
BaboonPawty Coming Up and You’re Invited!
CELEBRATE BABOONS! Join us for #BaboonPawty on June 2 from 12 – 6 EDT. We’re going to the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania. There will be music and noms and lots of learning about baboonsContinue reading
Nutmeggy Loves to Play
I’m not sure I would have CHOSEN to invite a kitten into the house, but now that Nutmeg is getting a little older, I am having a lot of fun playing with her. We playContinue reading
Secret Santa Loves Me!
I got a package in the mail today from Secret Santa! I know it’s after Christmas, but Santa took extra special care with this one and MADE IT HIMSELF. I got so excited about myContinue reading
Becket Loves Karma, too
Becket and Karma are best of buddies. Becket was her foster mother, too, just like he was mine. Becket also taught her all the basics about fighting. They love each other very much.