Karma and Nutmeg love to play in and on this trash can. U.H. Bought it, but she never got to use it because we kitties took it. The red pepper is Nutmeggy’s Gotcha Day gift.Continue reading
Category: karma
Rare view of the artist at work
Everyone knows Karma’s a great painter, but up till now, no one outside our family and close friends has seen her at work in her studio. Today, she shares her latest work. This is anContinue reading
Karma Loves Catnip
Karma was the first to play with the actual catnip toys Tiny Pearl Cat sent us. (Pearl’s mom actually grows catnip for her!) Robin was enjoying watching us play with the box from the catnipContinue reading
Anti-Cuddle Brings Us a New Foster Kitten
Our friend was at a funeral for someone she had known a long time when everyone looked out the window and saw a person roll a kitten from a car toward the funeral home. Thank GOODNESSContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Karma Gets Cold
Karma has a hard time on wintery days. On those days, which are not too frequent where we live, she curls up in Robin’s bed and stays there. Robin turns on the heating pad underneathContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Texas Cold
Karma has such a hard time with the cold! She’s been on UH’s lap for the past three days, I think. The temperatures have dropped below freezing for the last three nights, and that’s reallyContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Cuddle Gone Wrong
Sometimes you just want to cuddle up under a blanket all by yourself. Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day. If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact meContinue reading
Karma’s Adventure
Karma went outside. UH stood at the door watching our friend mouthing off along with the neighbor’s barking dog, and she didn’t even notice that Karma had slipped past her. Robin caught a glimpse ofContinue reading
Cuddle a Day: MegaCuddle!
Everyone is cuddling with my human, except me and Belle. Robin is feeling poorly and coughing. Can you find Meggy in the picture? Robin thinks she blends in with the quilt. Read the origin ofContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Karma
Karma is cold already. The temperature is 56 degrees outside right now. Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day. If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me onContinue reading