Category: Becket
Let’s make the bed!
Becket says, “What do you mean the bed’s not ready? I think it’s purrfect!”
A Cuddle a Day: Fighting?
Robin came home yesterday afternoon saying she had to fight with a virus. We thought it looked more like she was sleeping than fighting. Becket jumped in to help. He’s good at this kind ofContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Under Covers
Becket was cold. For the first time in his almost 11 years, he went under the covers. He stayed for a few minutes then left. Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day. If youContinue reading
Cuddle a Day: MegaCuddle!
Everyone is cuddling with my human, except me and Belle. Robin is feeling poorly and coughing. Can you find Meggy in the picture? Robin thinks she blends in with the quilt. Read the origin ofContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Becket
Becket gets the spot of honor today because he was brave and went upstairs. He went to check out the food dishes and ended up getting brushed with the pink brush, along with all threeContinue reading
Black Cats Appreciated Here!
I have THREE fursibs who are black kitties: Becket, Belle and Reggie. Since August 17 is Black Cat Appreciation Day, I want to devote this post to them. Belle is beautiful. Really beautiful. She mostlyContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day
Becket loves Robin! Robin appreciates him every day, and ESPECIALLY on Black Cat Appreciation Day, Aug. 17. Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day. If you would like to propose a picture for aContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day
Becket and Meggy touched noses while they waited for a treat in our kitchen. We have pretty good food in out kitchen. And oregano on top of the fridge, too. Read the origin of AContinue reading