Robin got a nice present for her birthday from her dad! It’s a bracelet that London Jewelers made to raise funds to help shelter animals! Rescue Paw Foundation in New York receives a donation everyContinue reading
Category: rescue
Seguin City Shelter and a Siamese kitty
Robin went to the city animal shelter the other day to learn more about their facility for cats. She has been asked to speak about cat sheltering in the citizen comment section of the cityContinue reading
A Cuddle a Day: Guest Cuddle: Herman!
Today Herman, our own @TattleCat is Guest Cuddling! Herman and his mom write the wonderful blog, “It’s a Wonderpurr Life,” where Herman tells us about his life and intermews anipals about theirs. Herman’s mom writes booksContinue reading
One Week Old And Growing Fast
Rosie’s puppies really know how to cuddle! Robin goes over to the rescue to visit Rosie and her puppies most days. She takes Rosie for a little walk while the puppies sleep.
Rosie Had Her Puppies!
Rosie’s puppies are two days old in this picture. She had them on Monday morning. Because no one knew exactly when she got pregnant, there was some concern about her, so Carol took her toContinue reading
Jingles Update!
Just a couple weeks after surgery, and Jingles is making the most of life again. His caregiver updated us yesterday with these pictures and these words: Jingles got his staples removed yesturday!! He is doingContinue reading
Jingles is home
Jingles came home from the animal hospital today. He looks really peaceful. I hope he heals quickly. His human says he likes to have company and that using the box with shredded paper doesn’t makeContinue reading
First, little Marjorie turned out to be a boy, and then he got adopted. It all happened so fast! He was only here with us for one night. Now, he’s called Oso and has hisContinue reading
Anti-Cuddle Brings Us a New Foster Kitten
Our friend was at a funeral for someone she had known a long time when everyone looked out the window and saw a person roll a kitten from a car toward the funeral home. Thank GOODNESSContinue reading
Could you help Jingles?
Little Jingles is in a bad situation. He’s a community cat here in town, and he’s injured. His leg is broken and he would need surgery to put it back together. His caregiver found thatContinue reading