Today Brie and Bleu and I went to the vet, just for fun. Since it was the first time we went without the aim of treatment or vaccinations, the cats were not sure this couldContinue reading
Author: Robin
Training Tuesday: We are Published!
Brie, Cheddar, and I are published! We have a piece in the brand new IAABC Journal. Turn to page 5 and look for “Brie Breathes Easy: Training a Cat to Enjoy an Inhaler.” This isContinue reading
Training Tuesday: Sometimes Training Looks Like Doing Nothing
Cheddar thinks he hasn’t been learning anything lately. He loves training sessions. He enjoys learning new behaviors, like shake, press a button with his paw, sit on a mat, jump over a hurdle, ride onContinue reading
Cat Day is Official in Seguin!
Cheshire, Nutmeg, the Cheeses and all the cats inspire me to work for homes, better health, and better relationships between cats and humans. Today marks a milestone for cats and humans in Seguin, Texas. TodayContinue reading
Training Tuesday: A Resource For Cat Communication
Humans who want to succeed in teaching animals desired behaviors need to understand what animals are saying to us and to other animals. This means understanding both the range of behaviors that are typical forContinue reading
Training Tuesday: Incorporate Training Into Everyday Activities
Brie loves to sleep alongside my leg or next to me on the couch. He also likes to walk, or rather, run, by my side. I say, “C’mon, Brie!” He meows enthusiastically and runs along.Continue reading
Training Tuesday: Getting ready to train your cat
To start training, all we need is a cat and a human who wants to teach the cat. We don’t need a lot of extra time although that can be nice. We don’t need aContinue reading
We Care For Our Human
Our human came out on the wrong end of an encounter with a hot cup of coffee on Monday. She screamed, cried, and went to the doctor. She’s been home with us ever since, andContinue reading
Training Tuesday: Brie Meets The Whistle
One of my current training priorities is to teach all of the cats to walk (or run!) to get in the carrier in response to a cue that is not my voice. Nutmeg was introducedContinue reading
Training Tuesday: Meggy and the crate make progress
First, we needed to give Nutmeg a different experience with her carrier, one in which good things happened and no one left the house. The cats get treats pretty regularly in the bottom half ofContinue reading