Kitten School has not just been fun and party tricks. Kitten School helped me save Brie’s life because it gave him fundamental skills that I could rely on to teach him to accept an inhalerContinue reading
Author: Robin
Love Coloring? Color Cats
I like to draw, but sometimes I don’t want to think too hard about where all the lines go. That’s when I’m most grateful for the new coloring books for adults. I joined several coloringContinue reading
Our Foster Kitten Found a Forever Home
You’re probably wondering, “What foster kitten? You didn’t tell us about a foster kitten!” Well, some of you who aren’t friends with Robin on Facebook or with Meggy on Twitter don’t know about him. RobinContinue reading
Dona Nobis Pacem
My life in our house started with meditation with my human. Meditation made her peaceful enough for me to approach her. Of course, then she grabbed me. I forgive her, now, because I have aContinue reading
Let’s Help Researchers Learn About Cats’ Vet Anxiety!
Brie was so cute at the vet this summer. He curled up underneath his pink, fleece blanket and didn’t come out. I called him “Raspberry Brie” because he looked like a really big berry hidingContinue reading
Today was laundry day.
First the laundry went in the noisy machine that washes Robin’s clothes. Then the clothes, towels, and sheets went in the machine that dries them. Then I helped fold them. After we folded the clothes,Continue reading
Karma’s Project
Karma said she wants to be part of the solution to problem of homelessness in cats, so she told me to come up with an idea that would get humans to give donations for spayContinue reading
Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners Responds to Kristen Lindsey Case
I saw on Dr. Marty Becker’s Facebook page that the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners discussed Dr. Kristen Lindsey today. Representatives of Alley Cat Allies, an organization that advocates for cats, attended the meetingContinue reading
Coloring Endangered Animals and More
Coloring has become really popular for adults lately. I picked it up again a few years ago along with drawing and marker painting. Coloring and drawing patterns both feel really healing for my mind. PagesContinue reading
Sculpting a Cat
The cats are deeply concerned about the cat sculpture. While this is unpleasant for them, I’m excited because it means the object says, “cat,” to them. Bleu is most concerned. One day, I was workingContinue reading