What a HOT day in the Art Auction for Joplin! After incredibly active bidding, @EdnaATNutro came in with the winning bid not too long before the close. I don’t know if my human is goingContinue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Thank You Purrs to EVERYONE
The first week of the Art Auction was amazing!!!! Generous pals donated art. Generous pals bought the art! One pal even tried to buy the art he already bought another time! I’ll post later onContinue reading
Tiger’s New Toys
Our human went over to Tiger’s house today to take the cool gifts that @SeattleP sent for him. He loved the balls and mousies! His little boy put together the new carrier with a neatContinue reading
Update on Tiger
Tiger is recuperating. His tail is in the itchy phase of healing, his human said. She also said he is eating a lot. “More than his share,” she actually said, MOL. He’s playing with hisContinue reading
Can’t Come to Terms with Cruelty
Last week my human went to the vet’s to buy food for us and ended up with heartache as well. On her way into the clinic, she met a kitty and his human mom. SheContinue reading
Two Posts in One Day, But This One Will Help a Doggie Directly
My Twitter friend @CosmoHavanese just told me that I could help a doggie by posting about a challenge from the Pedigree dog food company. Pedigree wants us to help get the word out about theContinue reading
Karma when she’s good
This is why we put up with Karma when she is bad.
Kitten update
Those five kittens are still doing well. So many things a human has to know to take care of baby kittens.
Sunday at our house
Becket and Karma were hunting for a long time, but nobody EVER saw their prey. Ours is a great house for invisible prey. We have some in this corner and in another one on theContinue reading
Who’s the white guy with the basket?
This white guy in an aqua jacket followed Robin upstairs when she came to give me my medicine. He said he wanted to give me extra treats for a human holiday called Easter. He saidContinue reading