Reggie likes to wait for the humans on the stove. He greets UH from the back burner every morning. The first thing she said today was, “Is Reggie mad at me? I got up late.”
Lucky Reggie had already eaten his breakfast and was not the least bit annoyed.
Reggie should be more careful on the stove because Robin read that kitties don’t feel heat on our pads until 126 degrees, when we are already injured. Dr. Bruce Fogle wrote in The Cat’s Mind that he has been surprised that kitties don’t feel pain when standing in frying pans. I don’t particularly like Reggie, but I don’t want him to hurt himself.
Becket hung out by the cabinets in the guest room (this room used to be mine until I moved upstairs). He likes to open the doors and let them slam shut, but he was just resting today.
Becket’s left back leg has been hurting for about a week. Today he started to walk with weight on it, so he didn’t get taken to the vet. I’m glad!
Petunia spent some time in the kitchen with Robin. Petunia is polite and does NOT get up on the counters or the stove. Petunia is also smart. Karma still menaces Petunia a lot, but not as much as when Petunia first came inside. Every now and then, these kitties tap noses, then Karma chases Petunia. Karma is incorrigible.
Belle hid when Robin got out the camera, so you don’t get to see a picture of her today. Belle likes to hang out on the landing. A few days ago she decided that Robin gets to pet her. She has disliked Robin for eight years. I wonder what made her change her mind?
I got treats on my rug twice today. I let Robin hang out with me for quite a long time before I got distracted and went off to do something else.
Karma had the best gig going in our house today. Just wait till you see her!
We kitties are amazing in all ways, including YOU, Mario!
Those are such cute pictures of all the kitties. Isn’t it funny how they can all have such different personalities. Never ceases to amaze me.
Ohhh, Miss Karma. You are naughty and I luvs ya for it!!