A House is Better with a Ginger Cat

Cheshire-cheddar-smlWinston Churchill thought so and requested in his will that a ginger named Jock always live at his house in Kent. The Daily Mail is reporting that Jock VI, a rescue ginger, moved in at Chartwell, Churchill’s house, this month.





huck-SparkleOur human is also enthusiastic about gingers. A long time ago, she shared her home with Jimmy Buffett, who could be called a “dilute” ginger (he was a buff tabby from the Humane Society in Sarasota, Florida). When I showed up, I was the only ginger. Then Huck was born here three years ago.



And then we got the Cheeses.Cheeses-resting-sml

Robin has outdone Churchill.

3 thoughts on “A House is Better with a Ginger Cat

  1. Yay for the cheeses–they really upped that ginger magic in your house. And you contributed a lot toward Robin’s love of ginger kitties!

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