The Cheeses Go To Class

cheddar-black-board-smlThe Cheese Kittens education continues. They went out to visit a classroom at Robin’s university this week.

Cheddar wanted to write on the blackboard, but he couldn’t find any chalk.

Can you see Brie in the professor’s chair?

ched-teacher-desk-sml Cheddar found his way to the teacher’s desk.

The Cheeses went to the classroom when no one was around. They’re getting ready to go meet people. They like people a lot more than I do in the first place.


What do you think of their harnesses?colby-cheddar-podium-sml

Cheddar wears blue; Colby wears green; Brie wears black; Bleu wears red.

By the way, Nutmeggy has a green harness and Lexie has a blue one. Nutmeggy’s is large. Lexie’s is medium. The Cheeses wear small harnesses, but they are starting to get tight.

3 thoughts on “The Cheeses Go To Class

    1. Robin is preparing all of them to pass the therapy cat test. She’s pretty sure that Cheddar will want to visit with her and maybe Bleu, too. Colby and Brie are not sure if they want to do visits. Even if they don’t, the preparation for Pet Partners testing will serve all of the Cheeses well for going to the vet and being flexible in any situation.

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