Robin wants the Cheese Kittens to keep an open mind, so she gives them adventures. Today’s adventure was right here in our house. The kittens were so happy!
All the Cheeses played with a furry, feathery toy. Here is Cheddar playing with the toy!
They also played with the kitty tunnel ParkerSKat and MaggieTKat gave us. They weren’t really sure what to do with the tunnel. Bleu jumped ON it while Colby was in there. Here’s Brie checking out the tunnel!
We got videos of Brie and Cheddar before Robin had to go to work. Next time, we’ll make the extra effort to get footage of Colby and Bleu.
Email subscribers will need to click on the title and go to the post to see the videos. You won’t regret it!
Kittens LOVE tunnels in the end!!
Robin loves them very much, and they are happy. Those boys love to have fun!
Ohhhh Mama Izzy says my babies are so bootiful, *snif snif* I miss them so much but I’m SO VERY THANKFUL and HAPPY that Miss Robin is teaching them how to be good boys! They are so blessed. xoxoxo