We would like to thank you all for visiting us here and for caring about all of us, including Nutmeggy, Robin, U.H. and even the little Cheeses. We had more visitors to Cheshire Loves Karma in September than we have had in any previous month.
We also had our biggest day EVER when we had the “Find-the-Cheeses” puzzle.
To thank you all for visiting us, we are having a special promotion on Robin’s new Buddies! magazine. Buddies! fall issue is available for print on demand ordering and in a digital download. For the first week in October, we are making the digital download FREE and lowering the price as low as we can on the printed magazine (we can’t erase the costs of printing or shipping, unfortunately).
Buddies! has a big feature article on fostering shelter animals, as well as profiles of dog and cat families, a chat with a veterinarian, book reviews and articles on training for dogs and cats (Nutmeggy stars in that story!).
Order your own copy of Buddies! by clicking on the title anywhere in this post, even on the picture of the cover of the fall issue.
The promotion lasts through October 6, 11:59 U.S. Central Daylight time.