Robin and two of her students are creating a new magazine to celebrate the love between us and our companion humans! (Of course, the humans have it backwards and say humans and their companion animals.) They are writing news and features about humans and the animal companions who love them right here in our town!
They decided to call the magazine Buddies. At first they were going for Buddy, but one person Robin tested the title on said his relationships with animals are two-way. He added that he already had enough one-way relationships, thank you very much. Buddies it is, to celebrate our two-way relationships with humans!
I am making sure that she and the students do a good job. The first issue will have stories about fostering rescue cats and dogs, what one of our vets wants people to be thinking about their pets’ health, cat training, dog training, the dog park, books to read…. The magazine is going to have great photographs too!
My human thinks that a lot more human – animal bonding is going on around here than people know.
She and her students want people to enjoy the love we share between us. They also want to make sure that new adopters of rescue and shelter dogs and cats can have a copy of Buddies free when they get a new pet, which requires printing copies to give away. Her university is sponsoring her work with the students, and they are inviting other people to share the love by sponsoring the printing of Buddies.
It turns out that dogs and cats are interested in sponsoring pages too! She already has a donation from her training buddy, Jack, and a pledge of support from a kitty friend.
There’s information about this opportunity to be part of the foundation of Buddies on the pledge form. If you want to know even more, please email me at cheshire kitten at sbcglobal dot net.
Robin is my best buddy in the whole world.
Dear Cheshire — Thank you for letting us know about this. However, I have a question and a clarification. First, the question — What’s the deadline for making a donation to the magazine? Second, I checked out the pledge form and there’s no indication of where the form and payment are to be mailed. =;-) Also, can PayPal be used? Thanks!!! @DaneRay — RAY & TIPPER
The deadline is the end of July to help with the founding issue of the magazine. A sponsorship donation may be sent to Texas Lutheran University; Development Office (student publications/animal magazine); 1000 W. Court St.; Seguin, TX 78155. If the sponsor would prefer to send to my human for delivery to the university, I will send the address privately. As for PayPal, I don’t believe the university accepts PayPal for donations. I will check in the morning.
Thanks, Cheshire! Tipper and I will be making a sponsorship donation in the middle of July. And, thank you for the address. Hugzzzzzzzzzz …. @DaneRay — RAY & TIPPER … CHASE, in spirit …