I cuddled with the Boppy pillow while Robin was busy with the TNR project. Now, we have a CARPENTER here who did something in the living room and is building a space for kitties in our garage. Carpenters are noisy.
The carpenter is building a cat area in our garage that will make life better for Mystery and give her somewhere to socialize kittens during kitten season.
The temperature is going to be 26 degrees F. PC hasn’t demonstrated ability to cope with winter, so he’s inside in a carrier. He could stay in the cat area more comfortably, too.
We also have two foster kittens (in our main entryway). You could adopt them if you like.
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
Awwww, you poor baby. I bet the carpenter is scaring you. But how nice that Mystery is getting a special space for herself. About the foster kittens, sorry but the humans can’t take any more right now. There are twelve of us already. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.