Mystery is coming in every night, now. He sleeps in the Kritter Kondo in the garage. He gets good noms, and sometimes his noms are better than everyone else’s. He’s got a towel that he uses to cover his litter box and Robin just bought him his own little bed.
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
What Phoebe said.
But look out mate, that Mystery might be tryin to move in on yur patch… wot wif all that sweet, cute sleepin on the bathrobe & all!
Why does he cover his litter box with a blankie?
We don’t know exactly. He may have used a litter box for the first time when he was in recovery this summer in the catio for a week. He had a towel in the carrier where he was sleeping. When he used the box, he pulled the towel out and used it to cover. Ever since, he has pulled any nearby fabric over the box after he uses it. Robin decided that was just part of his process and gave him a towel. She washes it every so often. He also has an old bathrobe of hers to sleep on.
Awwww that’s sweet that Mystery is trusting everyone more and more. Mewz Mommy is so understanding to give all the former feral kitties the time and space they need to learn to trust based on their needs. Mew are one loved bunch! <3
Headbonks and purrs to mew all and Auntie Robin too!