We got a lot of great cuddle pictures tonight, but this is the very best.
It’s cooler, finally, 70 right now, according to The Weather Channel, and I’m eager to cuddle with Robin. I also need to let her know how much I approve of her helping those rescue kittens.
Sunshine and Smoke are even more excited to see her. The new flea comb she bought at Petsmart did the trick. The soapy bubble water had dozens of dead fleas in it when she finished brushing Smoke, Sunshine and the kitten without a name.
Actually, the kitten without a name got one. She is now called Sweets.
I had to knead with passion to make sure I win the cute competition.
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.