Back in the summer I surveyed a few pet related stocks for the Anipal Times and started investing. My human gave me control of 300 of her dollars to invest in stock. This has not been the greatest few months to be a stock investor, but I have been pretty happy with my experience so far, in spite of all the scary talk on the news.
I use a Web trading service that charges $4.95 per trade and doesn’t have a minimum to get started. Robin sent a check for $300, and once the check cleared, we started trading (I need her to type in the symbols for the stocks and the numbers). I’ve made five trades, for a total of $24.75 in trading costs, and as I write on 20 November, we have $295.90 in our account. We had some setbacks, but we are more-or-less even in spite of those losses.
First, I let Robin sway me to buy stock in yoga products and a U.S. car manufacturer, neither of which went very well. We sold yoga but kept the cars for emotional reasons. Hers! The only place a car has ever taken me is the VET!
I then chose an organic food company and PetSmart. My five shares in Hain Celestial (HAIN on the stock ticker) are up almost 23 percent since the beginning of August. PetSmart (PETM on the ticker) has increased in value by 20 percent since August 23. PetSmart also paid a dividend on 11 November. We have one share and got 11 cents in dividend!
I’m trying to talk Robin into giving me a little more of her money to invest, but she tells me the world has to deal with its grease problem before I can have more dollars. I say it’s a simple fix. I’ll send Reggie and Petunia to lick it up. They both love grease!
Cheshire, what does grease have to do with it? Or is that really “Greece”? Just wondering, Frisky
You mean they aren’t the same?!?!?!
WOW – I’m impressed with your picks. Guess it goes to show us, people might not have much extra money, but they take care of their pets. Wonder if M will give me some money to invest. You could become our broker.