We Went to Bark World Expo, Sort of….

barkworldFlat Nutmeg and Flat Me went along with Robin to Bark World Expo 2011 last weekend. Robin was really glad the flat pets went along with her because it helped some pals and their moms to recognize Robin. She met Romeo the Cat‘s mom over snackies at Hotel Indigo becasue Flat Me was along for the ride on Robin’s computer case.

She went to workshops about using Hootsuite and making appropriate legal plans for us if something happens to her.  (Did she set up a trust for us yet? NO. Get hopping! Geez.)

She really liked the keynote addresses by the founder of Dogster and Catster, Victoria Stilwell and Jelena Woehr of Yahoo! You can read my articles in the Anipal Times for an overview of the Expo and a special focus on Victoria Stilwell’s talk. If you don’t know about her, she’s on TV in 50 countries to promote positive reinforcement training for companion animals.

Most of all the sessions at Bark World, Robin enjoyed the keynote about making pitches and the opportunity we had to make some pitches the next day. She met with some companies that sponsor bloggers, and we hope we’ll have the opportunity to work with some of them to tell you about the cool things that social entrepreneurs are doing for pets.

ck-meggy-pankyWe are very glad that our Robin had fun hanging out with pals and their moms (mostly, although some doggie dads were there too). So many pals she met, like @EdnaAtNutro @AutmntheDoxie, @BigBoyBosco, @PepperPom, @BunnyJeanCook @Niqqi @CosmoHavanese and so many, many more nice doggies and people. No cats were in attendance, except we flat cats, of course. Don’t we look nice in the picture with Edna’s Panky (next to me) and Cheri?

We have the extra special pleasure of sharing a room with @tildatoo‘s mom. She is so nice! Prudence was the featured dog on Dogster right after Bark World, too!

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