Today’s work is by one of the most beloved kitties in the anipal community. BorisKitty has a heart of gold and gives everything he can to shelter kitties and other kitties in need. I’m proud to call him my friend, and I’m so glad he agreed to contribute his work in Paint for Cats to the Art Auction for Joplin.
Paint for Cats is a great app for the iPad2. Everyone in our house has tried it, thanks to BorisKitty. Boris started painting on the iPad, and next thing you know my sisfur Nutmeggy was bugging our human to get one for her. Boris is an inspiration to all kitties! (And, our human did get Nutmeg and iPad, but it turns out that Karma likes the iPad more than anyone else at our house.)
The work up for auction is a printed version of Boris’s painting, of course. The painting is 8 x 10″ and will be printed on photographic paper. There’s no need for a formal pawtograph, however, because Borishas his paw all over the canvas.
The opening bid for Boris’s Paint for Cats painting is $10. Join in the auction by commenting on this post. The auction for Boris’s painting closes at 10:59 p.m. CDT on Saturday, July 2.
Boris Kitty has just offered an ADDITIONAL PRIZE if the bids for his painting reach or exceed $50! Think about the good we can do to help the humans in Missouri take care of animals in disasters like the tornado at Joplin, PLUS, the winner will get a Boris Kitty t-shirt if we reach $50!!!!
I up da bid to $55. Smokey
Iz gonna bid $40.00 – to help our pals in Jolpin! Fanks CK & Boris for ur help!
My folks & I bid $30.
If da bidding gets over $50 da winner of ma painting will also gets a cool BorisKitty t-shirt too!
I will go wif $25 – Smokey
I bid $15!!
So lovely – a real pawtograph print at that. I’ll be $20.
I’ll start off at $10.