I just finished a story for the Anipal Times about animals in the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I’m sure it will be the first of many. It was a hard story to write because the situation is developing rapidly, and the focus is on human safety and rescue first. In a crisis, stories are always shifting, and information on the toll the quake and tsunami have taken on animals will take some time to begin to filter out.
@DaneRay (who helped with the reporting) and I even found a few bits of encouraging and heartwarming news. I’m looking forward to reading @DaneRay’s follow-up stories in the AT.
The article has links to organizations in Japan and other countries (many in the US) that are working or planning recovery efforts. Most have an online fundraising page set up. I’ll be hosting another art auction for donations to help fund the recovery work for animals in Japan. The auction will feature quilts and drawings and other art by my human and the humans of some of my Twitter pals. We are hoping to start the first auction on Wednesday. I’ll post more information when the humans start finishing the artworks! Most of the art in this auction will be inspired by Japan. We are also thinking of starting an online art store to build up a fund for animal disaster relief donations. I’ll keep you all posted.
I think this is a great thing you’re doing. Will look to Dane Ray’s article. Purrs.
This is so very nice of you and the others to do this.
I will donate a piece of art