I promised the auction would begin on Wednesday, and I have 40 minutes left….
OK, let’s be realistic and start on 17 March. I will post one artwork per day here on my blog (for an as yet unspecified time period). You’ll get to meet the artist and learn a little about the work being auctioned. My human draws and makes photographs, @MaggieTKat’s Mom is an amazing quilter and fabric and paper artist in general. @Boomiethecat’s Mom is an amazing quiter! @Whskr (DashKitten‘s human) makes stunning jewelry, and these are just a few of the artists you’ll meet who have been inspired to give some of their work to help the animals of Japan get through this crisis.
We are also opening an online store to sell additional works at a fixed price (I’ll be adding some merchandise later on today, after my human gets a good night’s sleep). The proceeds, again, will all go to Japan animal relief. We intend to keep the store open and build up a fund to have ready at hand when the next disaster hits our global community. We’ve been scrambling a LOT lately, and if the Earth won’t calm down, we’ll just have to GET PREPARED.
Daily Auctions
All of the auctions, except the first one, will last 24 hours. The first one will last two days, to give everyone a chance to find us! All of the proceeds of the daily auctions (minus the cost of postage) will go to World Vets for relief work with animals in Japan in the aftermath of the strongest earthquake ever to hit the country, a tsunami, aftershocks and problems with nuclear power plants. World Vets sends veterinarians who volunteer for deployment to disaster areas and countries that need help to provide veterinary care in general.
We are not alone in working to support World Vets.Frugal Dougal, who inspires all of us, is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser for World Vets on Twitter, for example. You could party with the anipals and give to World Vets. Dougal is also encouraging all anipals to put paws together to help World Vets help Japanese animals. In fact, BlogPaws: Be the Change for Pets declared today PAWS FOR JAPAN DAY.
If you don’t want to party with anipals right now, go directly to the World Vets site (which is a bit overwhelmed at the moment) or the official Chip-In that is picking up the traffic that the WV site isn’t used to, give and get back to your other business.
OR, you could encourage these fine artists to produce more and more art for you while you make contributions to fund animal relief work in Japan.
Minimum bids will vary by item and are suggested by the artists.
Today’s Auction
Today, I feature a drawing by Robin, my very own human. A piece of Japanese giftwrap inspired this 9×12 drawing on 100 percent recycled bristol paper. Robin likes to draw with markers. She has a big box of markers that @MaggietKat’s mom gave her, and she buys new Copic markers every week, it seems. Robin hasn’t signed “Parasols for Japan” yet because the drawing is still drying.
The starting bid we have set for this drawing is $25. The winning bid will be the highest bid received as of 11:59 p.m. EDT 18March (that is, the very last minute of 18 March in the Eastern U.S. and Canada!).
Bid by commenting on this post. Again, opening bid is $25.
Bidding is now closed on this item. Please check posts for days 2 & 3!
Raise to $50
Very nice work, and a worthy cause. Hope you raise tons of money for this
This is beautiful. What a great and fun way to raise $$.
I’m bid $45.
I’m in at $40!
Absolutely beautiful.
I’m in $35
Opening bid $25