Originally published
by Cheshire Kitten on 6 June 2010
in the Anipal Interest section of The Anipal Times
Anipals are really gaining a firm hold in human politics in North America. Or at least in California.
Pedro Nava, who has two rescue dogs named Arnold and Ashley, is an Assemblyman in California (that means he’s partly in charge of that state). He wants to be Attorney General. My human says that’s the guy who throws the book at the naughty humans. (I hope I’m never naughty enough that someone throws a book at me. That could hurt.)
I don’t know what the other issues might be, but Arnold and Ashley’s human put his support for rescue dogs and animal welfare at the center of his campaign! This video tells us all that Mr. Nava plans to do to protect animals if he’s elected.
Mr. Nava is known for his tough-on-crime positions, according to Robert Cuthbert of the Central Coast Democrat Examiner, and that includes cracking down on humans who are cruel to animals.
If you live in California, tell your humans to vote on June 8.