Our Upstairs Human has been downstairs for about a week now because she has an injury and needs to sleep sitting up. She doesn’t have the right sort of chair for sleeping upstairs. And she doesn’t have cat butt pillow cases up there either, although she does have access to several actual cat butts.
When U.H. asked for a pillow, Robin immediately thought a cat butt pillow case would cheer her up. We say this one looks a lot like Karma. Normally, U.H. puts the pillow BEHIND her head, not in front of it.
Robin got the pillow cases in her Cat Lady Box a couple of weeks ago. You can get cat butt pillow cases in the CatLadyBox online store. They come in a pack of two for $29.99. Robin has the second pillow case on her bed.
I have done some lap sitting on U.H., but mostly we are leaving the direct care to Belle, who is U.H.’s favorite. We all hope she heals soon, as she has completely taken over one of the best chairs in the house.
Those are neat. Guess we’ll have to check them out. Your Robin is so very talented. We were looking at her cat snowflakes – gorgeous., Merry Christmas to you all.