This pretty kitty has three weeks to find a new home.
He’s Siberian, one and a half, neutered, and according to his current person, has a lovely temperament. He likes other cats, kids, and dogs. Except for the Jack Russell who also lives in his household here in Seguin, Texas.
ARF – Animal Rescue Foundation in Seguin has asked us to help connect this kitty with forever people candidates. We did some research and found that Siberian kittens are valuable. (The people bought this guy from a breeder.) Siberians are the national cat of Russia and are a large breed. People on Catster say they are very dog-like and really lovable.
If you would like to adopt this boy (or know someone who would be a good forever match for him), email arftexas at or send me your contact info at cheshirekitten at, and I’ll connect you with the rescue.
(Sept. 5, 2015) Kazi’s got a new home! Thank you to everyone who shared his picture and info. So wonderful that he found a person so quickly.