Cheshie said I get to blog today because we are talking about food, and I LOVE FOOD.
The humans at Royal Canin care a LOT about food too. I wonder if they are round like me? Cheshie says some of them are veterinarians and he DOUBTS that they are fat. I am not FAT, I told him. I am ROUND. *stomps little white paw*
I don’t know why a veterinarian couldn’t be round like me and still know a LOT about feline health nutrition! After all, Royal Canin has been making cat food since 1968!
The Royal Canin humans sent Cheshie information about what humans think about cat nutrition. I’m a curious cat and read the survey too. We are all surprised to find out that kitties’ human caregivers don’t think too much about it at all, except for flavor, which is OK by me, when they pick out food for us.
Given the amount of time Mom spends thinking about cat foods, I was really surprised to learn that 95 percent of cat guardians feed everykitty in the family exactly the same food. We all get different foods. I should KNOW because I try them ALL. Cheshie says I’m a connoissieur , whatever THAT is, because I like his food best.
We looked at the Royal Canin website and found foods for kittens (pfft), older cats, spayed and neutered cats, Maine Coon cats, and other need- and breed-specific formulas. Royal Canin says they specialize in individualized nutritional solutions. WOW! I want a food made specially for ROUND TORBIES.
Get to work on that, please, Royal Canin veterinarians. *curtsies*
While they are working on my torby food, Royal Canin has a COUPON for SEVEN DOLLARS to help our humans buy us the food most suited to our own particular breed, age or other special needs.
Mom wants me to tell you that she gives me food that is supposed to help keep me slim but my mind is set against slimness. I LOVE ROUND! She says I get a lot of exercise too and Cheshie and I both get to play with our food! Cheshie says we are “training.”
Mom also says to tell you she helped us write this post on behalf of BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network for Royal Canin. She is being compensated for helping spread the word about Royal Canin, but Cheshie and I will only share information we feel is relevant to our readers on Cheshire Loves Karma.
Food is more relevant t to me, Nutmeggy, than ANYTHING ELSE. Cheshie says your humans can never go wrong learning more about all the foods that are out there for us to eat to help us be safe, peaceful, healthy, and free from suffering. We love learning, and you will also love learning from the cool infographic we got from Royal Canin! You can learn even more from Royal Canin on Twitter and Facebook.
He’s not round, he’s fluffy 😉
Robin says you and I are BOTH TORBIES! HEY SISTA! and I LOVE FOOD TOO so we gotta be sisters!
I still say she’s a bit fat.
Appaws Appaws! Great info. Nice presentation. You’ve done it all Meggie. Round is the new slim.