My Robin went away for a few days to New Mexico. She and one of her students made presentations about pets in social media. I’m glad I can help my human with her job.
Still, I’m glad when she comes home.
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
robin. It only takes in ferals, she makes sure that community cats have a better life! Her work is inspirational, but she draws Chihuahuas!
What a wonderful inspiration Robin is to others who might be thinking of taking in a feral. She is truly a wonderful person.
Chessie you are such a big help to mewz human and wonderful friend to all of us, that’s what makes mew so endearing. My Mom and I adore mew, mewz story is so much like my brofur Kaspars who was feral and showed up in our yard over ten years ago. He was emaciated, hungry, scared, and cold out in the snowy winter. Mom tried to get him to come sleep in our warm garage but he was too timid. Everyday for a month she and my Aunt Kate had to leave food out in the yard and go back inside before he would come out of the bushes he was living in. Over time he would let them get closer and closer, and even lightly pet him as he ate. After a few months he would run up to them, but still would not come inside the garage. One day they decided to pick him up and run him in to the garage. They thought they would have to open the door to let him out after a few minutes because he would probably thrash around and make a mess of the place. He was growling and spitting as my aunt carried him in to the garage, but as soon as she set him down he quieted and started to inspect the place. He found the ‘Kittyville’ set up we have of our heated beds, heaters, windowsill, food and litter box areas. He then preceded to jump up on to the structure that has our beds in various areas up high like we want them, hop in an empty bed, curl up, look at Mom and my aunt letting out a deep throated ‘Meeeeeeeooooowwww!’ and finally go to sleep! Mom and my Aunt Kate laughed and laughed- it was as if his look said ‘This will do, I will take it!’ They were so surprised!
Kaspy is still a very skittish mancat and jumps at every noise or sudden movement, but watching him develop confidence and trust has only made my family love him more. It only took 8 years, but now he will sometimes- on his terms- snuggle in bed with Mom and even let her rub his belly. I don’t understand what the big deal is, I don’t find him anything special. I have had to constantly remind him on a daily basis that I was here first and I am top cat in charge. He’s not that bright if I have to demonstrate my dominance every day! Mom thinks it’s not his lack of understanding or intellect that requires my reminding him, that it is my own need to dominate, that I’m jealous and threatened. ??????!!!!!!????? Have mew ever heard such a RIDICULOUS thought from a human?!!?? Me?! Jealous of him?!!? Pffftttt!!!! What’s obvious to me is that I need to spend more time in the instruction and training of my human in how to properly relate and serve me. She’s really losing it!
Headbonks to mew and Meggie <3 *runs off grumbling, whipping tail about in disgust*
Thanks for the extra story! I love it.
We know that you’re very glad to have your Robin back home Chesire!