We have to get to bed early today because my human is doing something very important tomorrow morning. She is setting out to trap some feral cats in our town and get them in for spay or neuter surgery.
She’s working with her rescue group — Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF is helping kitties!) — and several colony caregivers. There’s a doctor, a man who sells cars, a man who fixes cars, a nice woman who lives near a restaurant and a woman who runs the local Humane Society. They are taking the cats to my favorite vet and some of his students, who are home for vacation from vet school.
Maybe Robin will write about her experiences after all the surgeries on Tuesday. I think I’ll cuddle her now.
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
Robin is doing important work! Definitely worth some cuddling. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.
Wonderful work Auntie Robin! Thank mew for helping the feral kitties avoid getting sickie and controlling the population of homeless, hungry kitties. Be sure to give her lots of cuddles and purrs when she gets home tonight Chessie, she deserves it. Purrs to mew all!!! <3