This is little Nutmeggy. Robin loves her soooo much. Meggy came to our house when she was a little kitten and immediately started cuddling with Robin (Meggy calls Robin Mom) by snuggling in above her right shoulder and kneading on her neck. We can’t get a picture of that cuddle pose, although Nutmeg still likes to cuddle there, so we have this one!
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
Stella, Lucy, Pixel and I think you are gorgeous, Meggy!
Thank you ALL!
Nutmeg is preening.
*High Paw* Of course your guest appearance in the A Cuddle a Day blog completely makes my day Meggy! Concats on being featured – this is a beautiful pic of you! ((HUGS)) OxO
Thanks, Lily! When will I get to feature YOU?