We have the first images of kitties kneading for peace!
@Rosie and Cheeto were the first to upload a photo and send us the link. And @SawyerBeanKou had a great idea and sent in a video link.
If your human is having trouble snapping a photo of you kneading – otherwise known as making biscuits or making muffins – maybe you could let the human take a video instead.
If that doesn’t work, then we are going to have to think of another image to collect. @GeorgeTheDuck suggested peaceful pictures of cats. I would also like to find a way to include other anipals who aren’t known for kneading in adulthood. Maybe if we had as many kitties kneading as possible and then a bunch of peaceful anipals?
I’m open to suggestions about the image. I’m in love with the idea of sending President Obama a lot of pictures of anipals who are peaceful citizens calling for more peace in the world. How could any world leader resist the assembled cuteness of all of us?