Confucius Cat, who is my anipal on Twitter, has been sponsoring Purrs4Peace for a few weeks now. Everybody gets together and purrs for 3 minutes on Sunday.
You don’t have to be on Twitter to purr. And you don’t have to be a cat either, just do something nice for a kitty who will purr at the scheduled time. Our friend Carolyn petted her kitty Chester last week, and he purred on the phone.
This week Confucius has set the Purrs4Peace at 6 p.m. EDT. That’s today. And for those of us in the Central Time Zone, we should purr (or be extra nice to a kitty) at 5 p.m.
At our July 4th party, some of the other cats and a human anipal, too, had a great idea for another peace initiative. Some bakers were demonstrating at the White House on July 4 with the slogan “Peace is what we knead.”
Who is better at kneading than a cat? No one!!!
Our original idea was for all the kitties to go to the White House for a Knead-In on the lawn. Imagine all of us there, showing how much we care about peace!
Our friend BDGRLaw offered to let kitties stay over if they came to D.C. for the knead-in, but we all won’t fit in the car and we’re not sure if the D.C. Metro will let us travel on the subway…. Anyway, we had a much better idea.
We’re having a Virtual Knead-In and sending pictures of kitties kneading to President Barack Obama.
Post a picture of a cat kneading, could be yourself or somebody else, on Twitpic (or another photo site) with a caption saying something like, “Peace is what we knead,” and tweet me @CheshireK or one of the other organizers @Lorenzothecat @katieboocat and @bdgrlaw to let us know the URL of your picture. You can also leave a comment right here on Cheshire Loves Karma blog. We will organize sending the pictures to President Obama.
I’ll have more details here on Cheshire Loves Karma about timing and whatever comes up.
In the meantime, remember to purr today at 6 p.m. EDT!
Thanks again for your support of purrs4peace. I love the idea about the knead-in. Mummy and I are working on the photo. *nosebumps*