Hello, lovely readers!
I have an invitation for readers, especially those who like to read about CATS!
Please, join Cheshire Loves Karma in a holiday exchange of books about cats, by cats, or featuring cats. Sign up by November 15 by contacting Parker Sax Kat or me.
We are collecting contact info (mailing address and email), book format preferences (that is, do you like to read a traditional or e-book), purchasing preference (traditional or e-book), and mailing preference (home country or international).
Once you have a partner, we ask that you send the book by December 15.
Contact Parker or me by email cheshirekitten AT sbcglobal DOT net or Parkerskat AT gmail DOT com or Twitter DM to @CheshireK or@ParkerSKat. On November 15 we’ll go through out spreadsheet and match everybody as best we can with an exchange partner.
I just saw this on Cats with Blogs on Facebook, I am sorry I missed it.
We will host another exchange and make sure to tell you!
Oh mousers! We missed the date, is it too late to join Chessie?