I have been working overtime with all that’s gone on at our house in the last few weeks. We’ve been busy with guests, mostly. I’ve been cuddling Robin ALL THE TIME.
Many of you know that we’ve had a foster kitty, a lynx point Siamese that we call Ms Kittie. Back in February, when Ms Kittie was still living in another foster home, Robin took her to the vet to find out if she was pregnant. The vet said yes, she was, about halfway through her pregnancy and had two kittens. He said we should start feeding her kitten food.
She came back to live with us a week or so before her projected due date. Robin fed her two cans of Blue Wilderness kitten food every day with kitten kibble between meals. And we WAITED.
We set up a queening box with bedding. And we WAITED.
We got a heater to keep the area warm when the temperatures dropped. And we WAITED.
The Girl came from Chicago and WAITED with us.
The Girl went back to Chicago and still we WAITED.
Robin kept revising assumptions about when Ms Kittie conceived her babies, but things were looking dicey. She packed Ms Kittie in a carrier and took her back to the vet. This time, a young woman vet looked at her. When she felt Ms Kittie’s tummy, she checke under her tail to see if she actually was a girl. Then, she took an X-Ray and the only thing inside Ms Kittie that even resembled a kitten was fat and some poo.
Ms Kittie wasn’t pregnant after all.
Robin made an appointment for spay surgery for her for the next Tuesday. On Monday night, Ms Kittie started her pre-surgery fast. She did NOT like not eating. She went to the vet really early, and Robin got a phone call at about 11.
Ms Kittie had a scar on her belly. She was already spayed, but by then she was out like a light, poor girl. She was really wobbly when Robin brought her home at 5 o’clock. She didn’t eat for a few hours and only had a few bites later. Wenesday morning she was sooooooo hungry. Today, she’s feeling all better and she even got to come into the living room for a little while.
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
Oh my! And she was under already? Oh wow Cheshire!! I reckon your Princess is a lucky lady. Kittens ir no she lucked out finding a wonderful family like you THANK YOU to your Mum.
We has fosters now! 6 tiny kittens appeared at the rescue and to make room with the lady who can hand feed Mum took in Mum and 4 kittens. We have examples like yours to inspire us.
OMC! What a mixed up man vet he was! Leave it to a man, no matter what the species to mess things up. It just goes to show women are more thorough, as this lady vet was! I was dumped in the country by what Mom describes as mean, ignorant, inbred humans, (even though she never met them) when I was pregnant with four babies. Thank goodness I found a nice family at a nearby house who took me in, as I was in labor. After I had my babies, they sheltered and fed us for a few weeks before taking us to the local no kill shelter. The shelter put us in one of their foster homes until my kits were weaned. Then we all were fixed and sent back to the shelter to find humans to adopt. My kits all chose wonderful forever homes, but I didn’t find anyone worthy enough to serve me. A month later, my Mom visited looking to be adopted, and I jumped in her lap and chose her.
I’m sure Ms. Kittie would have made a superb Mama, but at least she doesn’t need to worry about finding homes for them. It’s so sad that there are so many in need. Ms. Kittie is lucky to have such a pawsome foster family like mewz so mewz to help her in her time of need. It is people like mewz Robin, UH, and the ones who saved me that make a difference in this world. Mewmew!
OMC! What the duck?? Srsly! MOL!
Now what’s to become of Belly Cat?? You should call her Belle. MOL.
When Mom rescued me the pound said I was a GIRL. They left me to be spayed and Mom got a call asking how badly she wanted a girl cat!? I was so fluffy they couldn’t see I was a neutered MAN cat! They’d already knocked me out, too…
That can be very dangerous, too. Mancats have died when they’ve been cut into to be ‘spayed’ and the vet digs around before realizing there’s no womb in there. : / No room in there for a womb. No womb room.
I’m glad your your big belly girl’s OK!
She’s getting weight management food, now, plus some Blue Wilderness because she likes it.
I dont know… You might want to keep her. My Wynnie girl princess cat was a lynx point siamese and she was pretty awesome.