Friday the 13th Follow Up

I did think about it and wanted to tell a little bit more about my black brofurs. They are actually pretty good friends now, although they don’t actually cuddle each other. They work together to get food. They play a little. They spar a little. They hardly ever have any kind of argument. They don’t cuddle together, but they do cuddle with Robin, UH, Karma and Nutmeg.

Both of them have mentored the rest of us. Becket mentored Karma and me while Reggie taught Nutmeggy everything she knows about kitty combat.

Karma and Becket still cuddle together and so do Nutmeg and Reggie. I like to play with Meggy and we cuddle a little. I used to cuddle a lot with Karma, but lately she growls at me when she sees me.

3 thoughts on “Friday the 13th Follow Up

  1. a wonderful family circle. Interesting how we are all a little different about cuddles. thanx for sharing

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