My Robin is away at BlogPaws and then she’s staying in Utah for a vacation. I miss her.
While she’s away, I’m going to take a little vacation. I’ll be back with more cuddles on July 1. Think of me when you cuddle your humans.
Read the origin of A Cuddle a Day.
If you would like to propose a picture for a Guest Cuddle, contact me on Twitter @CheshireK or email me at cheshirekitten at sbcglobal dot net.
Panky: Haiz CK! Iz nose wut you meens about no cuddles wif Robin beecause Iz wuz missing DaMa. Iz learnt speshal cuddles wif mai Auntie Ree tho.
Wish I could be at BlogPaws with Robin! Miss you guys!!!
We’re so sorry you weren’t able to go. Robin was looking forward to meeting you. Thank you so much for being such a loyal reader of my blog!