Wonderful Days At Home With Our Human

Robin finished her academic year a bit more than a week ago. She was going to teach a course in the 10-day-long May term, but only one student signed up, so it was cancelled. That’s OK with all of us because she’s staying home with US when she’s not cleaning out her office on her campus. The first picture shows the nadir of office cleanliness, and the other two pictures show the tidiest her office has been in years and years (thanks to the unexpected time out of the classroom).

office-messy-sml office-2 office-1

She has also made two skirts and read a couple of books. She has a lot of energy left over when the semester ends…

We, however,  are all really relaxed and getting along well. Robin was sitting on the floor with Lexie, Reggie and Brie when she came home today. Reggie got a little too close to Lexie for her comfort, but she handled it really well.

Cuddle family members who receive my posts by email should click through to my blog to see the cute video of Lexie!

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