My book is here!

Book cover

Now available at Thunderpaws Canine Solutions in Seguin, Texas!!!

(You can buy on etsy if you are not in Seguin. Or if you are afraid of dogs.)

P.S. Please let me know if you want to buy a book and can’t find it on or if you want to make an order for your store or fundraiser. We are donating 10 percent to buy food for homeless and shelter kitties, too. You can help the kitties and get a nice warm smile from reading about our attempts to earn money.

2 thoughts on “My book is here!

  1. Thank you for your support, Ipha. I do know of you, and I know you are much bigger than I am but very kind and loving with kitties.

  2. Hi Cheshire,
    I know that we have not met in person, though I believe we have smelled one another. I really like your book & how you are using it to make the world a better place.

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